Great Lakes Lacquer | Notes To Self Collection

by Lisa Heath

Press Sample of the Great Lakes Lacquer
Notes To Self Collection

Last post for today, and then I need to buckle down and finish up Polish Pickup stuff! Tonight we’ll be looking at the Great Lakes Lacquer Notes To Self Collection!

This is a 12 piece collection full of shimmers, toppers and creme shades. Great Lakes Lacquer broke pricing down for everyone as well. You’ll be able to buy individually, as a set of 12, or by shimmers, cremes or toppers. I really love how she did that to make it a bit easier to purchase.

My hands are looking a bit rough, I’ve been shuffling paper in tax season and have several file cuts healing (not paper cuts, though I have a couple of those, but the actual manila file folders slice and hurt like a mother effer)

Lets jump into these pretties, they release tomorrow!

Great Lakes Lacquer | Change

Change is constant. It is the sure thing in life, besides death and taxes. Time to embrace it.

Change is a blue leaning lilac filled with an aqua to fuchsia shifting shimmer and a soft scattered holographic. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.

Great Lakes Lacquer | Clarity

With clarity, comes insight. Clear the haze and be clear in your direction.

Clarity is a blue leaning mint with a blue to purple, to magenta, to orange and gold shifting shimmer and a soft scattered holographic. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.

Easily one of my favorites of this release. Mints always get me.

Great Lakes Lacquer | Community

Community is an essential part to thriving. Find your community and cherish it. I do.

Community is a pale blue gray filled with an aqua to purple to magenta and gold shifting shimmer and a soft scattered holographic. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.

Great Lakes Lacquer | Confidence

Find you. Be you. Do you to the best of your ability and always be confident in that.

Confidence is a dark charcoal with a fiery magenta to orange to gold shifting shimmer and a soft scattered holographic. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.

Great Lakes Lacquer | Courage

Have the courage to stand for what is right and what you believe in, including for yourself.

Courage is a pale petal pink warmed by a copper to gold to green shifting shimmer and a soft scattered holographic. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.

Great Lakes Lacquer | Laughter

Cheesy? Yes but still true. Laughter cures all ails.

Laughter is a medium purple orchid creme. This is a bit more pinkish in person and was very hard to photograph – but beautiful. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.

Great Lakes Lacquer | Love

Love yourself, love your family, love your friends. Love is love is love.

Love is an orange leaning peachy neutral creme. This didn’t fully agree with my skintone and gave me the lobster look, but overall is a beautiful creme. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.

Great Lakes Lacquer | Peace

May it be prevalent throughout 2020. May it triumph over all.

Peace is a midnight blue creme that has a jelly look to it, but it’s definitely not a jelly. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.

Great Lakes Lacquer | Prosperity

May all the good things grow in number this year.

Prosperity is a dusty, cool toned purple creme. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.

Great Lakes Lacquer | Refresh

Self care is important. Make it a priority.

Refresh is a dense shimmery blue to purple to magenta to gold and green shifting shimmer topper with a light touch of scattered holo as well. I used 1 coat over Laughter for these photos.

Great Lakes Lacquer | Renew

Do things that fill you. Dump things that drain you. Take a vacation; even if it’s on your couch reading your favorite book.

Renew is a coppery red to gold to aqua shifting shimmer topper with iridescent pink micro flecks mixed in. I used 1 coat over Peace for these photos.

Great Lakes Lacquer | Resolve

Be strong in your conviction. Resolve to stand for what you believe.

Resolve can be a glittery topper or a glitterbomb as a stand alone shade. This is a teal to purple to magenta to orange microglitter mixture with holo microglitters scattered in for some flair. I used 3 thin coats on the middle and ring fingers and 1 coat of Resolve over Prosperity on pinky and index finger.

If you use as a stand along color, I do suggest 2 coats of top coat to smooth it all out.

Great Lakes Lacquer | Notes To Self Collection

I love the inspiration behind each shade. I also really love the fact that Love wasn’t red or pink – it doesn’t totally work with my tone, but I still loved that it wasn’t a typical shade someone would associate with a polish called ‘Love’

These all release tomorrow – and if I had to pick a set to purchase (if I couldn’t get them all, obviously) it would be the shimmers set. All 5 shimmer shades were among my favorites.

Prices: $8.00 Each for Cremes | $13.00 Each for Shimmers | $12.00 Each for Toppers

Set Prices: $125.00 Full Collection | $62.50 Full 5 Piece Shimmer Set | $30.00 Full 4 Piece Creme Set | $32.00 Full Toppers Set

Release Date: February 29th, 9AM EST

Where To Buy: Great Lakes Lacquer Shop

Great Lakes Lacquer Social Media: Facebook | Instagram

Hope you enjoyed and I’ll be back tomorrow most likely with the Polish Pickup megapost, which will of course have an offering from Great Lakes Lacquer as well!

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1 comment

Ananka February 29, 2020 - 11:01 am

These are lovely – shimmers and shifts galore! Even the creams look fab :-D

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