The Vaseline Healing Project

by Lisa Heath


When brands do something to help others, it always warms my heart. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world! 

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The Vaseline Healing Project is an aid effort in partnership with DirectRelief to provide dermatological care, Vaseline Jelly and medical supplies needed to help heal the skin of people affected by poverty or emergencies around the world.


You can become involved by simply purchasing Vaseline products from Walmart. For each Vaseline jelly or lotion product you purchase, a portion of the sale goes towards supporting Direct Relief. I actually took my son with me and we picked out 4 Vaseline items we are running low on. He uses them just as much as I do with his constantly chapped lips and dry skin. We always have Vaseline products around our home and I keep some in the office, and this was the perfect opportunity to purchase more.

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The Vaseline Healing Project also hosts the Build Your Own Relief Kit on their website as another way you can join their mission. It’s a quick process, and even if you can only donate a little, I encourage you to do so! Simply drag and drop an item or more into the kit. Each item has a dollar value under it and you can add as many as you wish for your contribution

Build A Relief Kit

 Along with purchasing new Vaseline items from Walmart, we built the full kit together and donated $75.

Relief Kit

As my son and I built the kit, we placed the cursor over each item so he could see why it was important for those in need.


He got to learn something, and we gave back. While we aren’t wealthy by any means, we are happy and healthy and can only wish for the same of others.

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Join The Vaseline Healing Project and stop by your local Walmart to purchase Vaseline products or by building your own relief kit. No amount is too small, and even $2 can make a big difference in someone’s life.

Remember, Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world. Join The Healing Project today. #SpreadTheDifference & #ShareTheHealing

*This conversation was sponsored by Lunchbox on behalf of Vaseline. All opinions are my own.*

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